Thursday, February 28, 2013

Season 1; Episode 1 - Dexter

The very first words we hear uttered are the now infamous “Tonight’s the night” … Dexter’s super sexy deep voice STILL gives me shivers, even after hearing it 100 times, hell, maybe 1000 times over the last 7 years.  I remember the first time I watched it I told my friend the tone of his narration voice soothed me, and that is also still true after all these years.

At this point in the series we’re encouraged to believe that Dexter is incapable of feeling any emotion.  He tells us so himself in his narration, saying that he feels like he fakes them all.  And while his social interactions are severely limited, and extraordinarily stinted, I do believe that he does have deep feelings .

We meet Harry (through flashbacks only in this episode – Dex has not yet started to talk to dead people) and we’re given the knowledge that he has known about Dexter’s homicidal tendencies since Dexter was about 10 years old.  When asked why he hasn’t killed a person, only animals, Dexter says “I thought you and mom wouldn’t like it” which indicates that at 10 he cared enough about the feelings of his foster parents to try to control his urges.  He also killed that yappy little dog because his sick foster mother couldn’t get any rest.

In another flashback where Dexter looks about 16 we hear Harry say “it got into you too early … we can channel it, use it for good” … and here the dark passenger and the code were born.  As a side note, I got a little teary when Harry says, “you are my son, you’re not alone and you are loved”.  Awwwww ….

We see Dexter’s slides, so we know that he has been killing for a while.  We also learn he gets his unsolved cases for his “personal investigations” from a desk clerk who loves French Crullers.  Speaking of which, when did Dexter stop bringing in donuts?  Remember when he did that constantly to ingratiate himself with people?

Deb comes off as being a ditzy cop (as evidenced by her remark, “I always get smarter when I’m talking to you”).  I find it hard to believe that in 6 years she’ll be lieutenant of homicide.  Didn’t see that coming.   Although she does give Dexter the info he needs to figure out the how the killer transports and kills his victims by saying “tell me about cell crystallization” so maybe being a homicide detective is really just knowing the right questions to ask.  In any case, it’s obvious that Dexter holds some kind of affection for her … he wants to see her succeed, he wants to see her happy.

It’s equally obvious that he really enjoys children.  He seems genuinely happy when he’s around Cody and Aster – not unsure of what he’s supposed to say or do which is how he appears most of the time.  I think this is the most when he’s just being himself and not faking anything.

Masuka … damn I love him.  He’s so funny.  In this episode he didn’t reach his full laugh out loud potential, but I know it’s coming.  He is one of the best things about this show.

Doakes … in a building full of cops Doakes is the only one who gets the creeps from Dexter.  I do love the banter between the two of them.  Although I spent the first time around HATING Doakes … I miss him now.  But in this episode his taunting and nastiness just really piss me off.

I also dislike LaGuerta … she is just unnecessarily nasty from the very first minute.  They try to make her more sympathetic later, but really … I never liked her.  Seems to me every season she just totally mucks up the investigation one way or another.  I also just hate when she flirts with Dexter – it makes me physically ill.  Maybe because I love him … maybe because I think she’s a barracuda and totally wrong for him – I don’t know.

First episode this season’s serial killer (later dubbed the Ice Truck Killer, but not yet) is revealed.  Every season seems to have a serial killer terrorizing Miami … must be a really dangerous city.

The reverence in Dexter’s eyes when he looks at the bloodless corpse of the hooker is a bit disturbing.  Later in the episode, the ice truck killer drives slowly by Dexter and then throws a head at his car.  Yes, we all probably thought what a crazy coincidence that was, but in retrospect maybe we should have guessed earlier on that they are connected in some way.  At the end of the episode he leaves a Barbie in Dexter’s freezer.  Dexter does not feel threatened.  Instead he feels it’s an invitation “Wanna play?” and “Yes, I do”.  Perhaps Dexter misses Harry – the one person who KNEW what he was.  I think he’s always yearned for someone else to know what he is and accept him anyway. 

When Dexter says, “And that dog recognizes me as easily as I recognize Jaworski, or any other killer” we think he can just magically spot someone who is like him … Serial Killer Radar if you will.  And for three solid seasons it would seem as if this was the truth, but in Season 4 we will see that he’s not infallible.  For now, he strikes me as being all powerful – an avenger of sorts.  A serial killer I can really get behind.  Someone who satisfies his twisted needs by killing those that the system can’t get at.

I love hearing Dexter talk about sex and relationships.  In his not understanding the human condition and interactions he is surprisingly inciteful and amusing at the same time.  Describing sex is undignified with just a hint of disgust in his voice… I get a kick out of that. 

Rita is perfect for him because she is damaged and has no interest in sex, at least until the end of the episode when she straddles Dex on the couch – thank GOD the phone rang – (coitus interruptus).  Some say Rita was mousy and compliant until Season 3, but I think she always had a bit of a nag in her.  Maybe slightly suppressed because of all the beatings her ex-husband gave her, but there nonetheless.  She may be overly apologetic and seem wimpy but even from season 1 she has called him during his kills and demanded his attention.

The fact that Rita stays around after Dexter reveals that he believes the ice truck killer is an artist and does a little hand slashing thing on her leg right where the killer made his cuts after looking at a dismembered body (which I found  a little creepy) is a testament to her. 

“Normal people are so hostile, but not her” … this line makes me think that to a certain extent he does feel SOMETHING for Rita – that she’s not 100% cover.  And the tone in which he says it kind of melts my heart a little.

“He sure took his time slicing up that lady and you don’t do that unless you have a close personal relationship” … Dexter actually solves Doakes drug dealer case with one sentence.  Doakes wants to pin it on rival drug dealers … see … Dexter is just the smartest one there.  The blood all over the totally white room with the red yarn is a striking image.

Dexter's Body Count:  
Mike Donovan – killer of choir boys – killed with a  power saw

Jamie Jowarski – valet, killer of women – killed with a cleaver

Quotes of the Episode:
Look or I’ll cut the eyelids right off your face
I’m a very neat monster.
Pretty fucking  please with cheese on top


  1. Great post!

    Yeah...what happened to the donuts?

    I think, in the earliest episodes, they were trying to figure out just how much the viewers could "stomach" and still side with the character of Dexter.

    It has always bothered me that in the very first episode Dexter helps Deb out by letting Miami Metro know about the truck/head. Lots of poetic license there, because an eyebrow or two would have been raised (in real life) for sure! I know, I's TV (and Damn Good TV, at that!), so we cut them a lot of slack.

    On the topic of Deb...I never thought of it that way and yet, it's so freakin true! She went from hot pants wearing Barney Fife-ette to Homicide Lt. in 6 years...That's a stretch! I've really had issues with the Deb character along the way. I actually grew to like her (FINALLY), late in Season 7.

    I too LOVE DOAKES and the banter between he and Dex. Masuka is awesome. Batista...hmmm...not much to say. He's had his moments through the seasons, but in episode one, he was simply that cliche, T&A, middle aged cop.

    Rita...oh, Rita... in episode one she was fairly innocuous. I didn't feel Dex had feelings for her in episode one. I felt she was simply a "beard" to make him "blend in" with the norm.

    Looking forward to future posts!

  2. Thanks ...working on the next episode now. Hope to have it out tonight or tomorrow morning.


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